Innovative, data-driven strategies to supercharge your growth, powered by Data Science & ML.


Our focus

Data-driven growth

Our speciality lies in building powerful yet simple-to-use projects to leverage your data and help you over-deliver on your growth objectives.

Strategic decision support

Turning your challenging business questions into crystal-clear quantifiable decisions.

Disruptive innovation

We bet on the future. We will ensure your data & innovation plan is in line with your business goals and keeps you ahead of the curve.


How we deliver

AI, ML and Big Data Analytics

We build tailor-made yet simple-to-use Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and analytics solutions to help you achieve your goals.

Prototype first mindset

We believe in testing hypotheses and generating value quickly without building overly complex data infrastructures. We firmly believe in the 80-20 rule. Done now is better than perfect later.

Iterative collaboration

Rapid and measurable value delivery. Each project builds onto previous initiatives, resulting in accelerated returns throughout our partnership.


We work with brands who want to leverage the value of data.


Some rely on us to solve their most complex problems. Others to shed light on their next strategic decisions.


Our clients trust us to make better decisions through data mining, machine learning, Big data Analytics and strategic consulting. We help them not only stay ahead in the intelligence race, but also build future-proof data infrastructures.

Let’s talk !


Obscure science debates between classes ? That’s us. Your friends who planned strategy for hours before a game of BattleShip ? Also us. Supercharging your growth through innovative strategies powered by Data Science & AI ? Definitely us !

Expect data-based puns.


Emile Languepin



Gregory Belhumeur
